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Chris Foster Albums and Discography

Hadelin GMCD008 

This is my seventh solo album. The songs on Hadelin have all sorts of connections with people and places that I have known over the years. Most of them bear the patina of age, but they are not museum pieces. They refer to the natural world, the rhythm of the seasons, birth, life, death, love, betrayal, the ebb and flow of the struggle for justice and human rights. All things that remain a constant, albeit shifting, backdrop to the human condition, from generation to generation. With this in mind, I invited Jim Moray to produce the album, and I sought out musicians of the next generation to join me in recording it, along with others who I have worked with over the years.


Track list 

The seeds of love

The faithful plough

Once when I was young

The gardener

Rosie Ann

The holland handkerchief

The trees they grow so high

The tees they're all bare

The life of a man

Who reaps the profit? Who pays the price?

Spring song




Chris Foster: Vocals, Guitar and Hammered Dulcimer

Trevor Lines: Five string double bass

Jackie Oates: Five string viola and Vocals -

John Kirkpatrick: Button accordion and One-row melodeon and Vocals

Martin Brinsford: Tambourine

Gillian Stevens:  Treble viol, Tenor viol and Bass viol

Bára Grímsdóttir, Amy Dawson, Simon Metson, Libby Metson and Jim Causley - : Vocals


All songs arranged by Chris Foster with the performers, except the string arrangement for The holland handkerchief and vocal arrangements on The trees they're all bare, Who reaps the profit? Who pays the price?

and Spring song by Bára Grímsdóttir.


Chris Foster Hadelin English folk album 2017 cover image

Design by Inga Elsa Bergþórsdóttir

You can buy Hadelin as a CD or Digital Download album at:

In the meantime here are a few songs by way of a preview.

The faithful plough - Chris Foster
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Once when I was young - Chris Foster
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The trees they grow so high - Chris Foster
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Rosie Ann - Chris Foster
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Spring song - Chris Foster
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Producer: Jim Moray;

Assistant engineer: Dylan Fowler at Stiwdio Felin Fach;


Recorded May to September 2016 in Reykjavík, Iceland

Stiwdio Felin Fach, Abergavenny, Wales

and The Old School House, Bristol, England

Mastered by Minerva Pappi of Waudio, Finland;

Outsiders GMCD003 - released 23rd April 2008

11 songs that are all about people who 'don't fit in', who have found themselves at odds with the established norms of the society or community around them, either as victims or as activists or both.




Chris Foster: Vocals, Guitar and Langspil

Val Regan: Fiddle and Vocals

Ruth Angell: Fiddle and Viola

Laura Fiddaman: Cello

Trevor Lines: Double Bass and Hammered Dulcimer

Bára Grímsdóttir: Vocals and Kantele

Joe Broughton: Mandolin

Fraser Spiers: Harmonica


All songs arranged by Chris Foster with the performers, except the string arrangement for The False Bride by Bára Grímsdóttir.


Produced by Chris Foster

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Joe Broughton at SAE Studio, Birmingham, England


Reviews of Outsiders


… I am bowled over. This could be the best album of Chris's long career; thoughtful, passionate, intelligent, nerve-jangling performances.      Vic Smith, The Folk Diary, England


His singing is both immediate and intimate, and conveys more passion and true understanding through its precision of diction and phrasing than many a more superficially emotive rendition, while the hallmark of his guitar work is its accomplished creation and sustaining of the ideal backdrop for the narratives, unobtrusive yet having a sense of presence that is wholly
complementary.                                   David Kidman, England

Chris Foster Outsiders English folk album 2008 CD cover design

You can buy Outsiders as a Compact Disc, as a Digital album or individual tracks at:

Lord Bateman - Chris Foster
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The false bride - Chris Foster
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Cod banging / Oscar Woods' Jig - Chris Foster
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Trespassers will be celebrated - Chris Foster
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Jewels LTCD1102 - released 2004

Chris Foster vocal and guitar

Al songs traditional arranged Chris Foster


Produced by Chris Foster and Bára Grímsdóttir

Recorded at: Broad Oak Studio, Herefordshire, England

Engineer: Dave Wood

Executive producer: Pete Heywood for the Tradition Bearers Series

Photography by Bill Foster and Jim Bolton

Design by John Slavin


© Chris Foster 2004

Chris Foster Jewels English folk album 2004 CD cover design

You can buy Jewels as a Digital album or individual tracks at:

The banks of Newfoundland - Chris Foster
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Georgie - Chris Foster
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Lady Maisry - Chris Foster
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The gypsy countess - Chris Foster
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Traces GMCD001 - released 1999

Chris Foster vocal and guitar

Mick Strode: Slide guitar on The bold Princess Royal

All songs traditional arranged by Chris Foster except Barney's Epic Homer and Flying High, Flying Free 

by Leon Rosselson, arranged by Chris Foster.

Produced by: Chris Foster

Recorded at: Track Station Recording, Burton-on-Trent, England

Engineer: Ken Macpherson

​Photography by: Chris Foster and Amy Dawson

Design by: rarecompany


© Chris Foster 1999

The raggle taggle gypsies - Chris Foster
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The bold Pricess Royal - Chris Foster
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Chris Foster Traces English folk album 1999 CD cover design

You can buy Traces as a Digital album or individual tracks at:

The fowler - The fowler
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The Flying Cloud - Chris Foster
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Albums with Bára Grímsdóttir as the Icelandic duo 'FUNI'

visit our website at

Flúr GMCD007 - released 2013

Bára Grímsdóttir: vocal and kantele

Chris Foster vocal: langspil, guitar and hammered dulcimer

Andri Eyvindsson: vocal and saxophone

Lárus Haldór Grímsson: clarinet

Birgir Bragasson: double bass

Hafsteinn Þórólfsson: vocal


Track list

Æskustöðvarnar / My childhood home 

Text: Grímur Lárusson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir

Vatnsdalur / Vatnsdalur 

Text: Grímur Lárusson - Tunes: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster

Ekkillin frá Álfahamri / The widower from Álfahamar

Text: Davíð Stefánsson - Tunes: trad. & Bára Grímsdóttir,

arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster

Ég byrja reisu mín /  I start my journey 

Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster

Aldrei skal ég gleyma þér / I shall never forget you 

Text: Magnús Guðmundsson verse1; verses 2-5 Rósa Guðmundsdóttir

Tunes: trad. & Bára Grímsdóttir, arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster

Man ég þig mey / I remember you maid           

Text: Jónas Hallgrímsson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster

Einn guð í hæðinni / One god on high

Text: anon. Tune: Bára Grímsdóttir

Með silfurbjarta nál / With bright silver needle 

Text: Rev. Stefán Ólafsson - Tune: Bára Grímsdóttir,

guitar arrangement Chris Foster

Blíðviðri / Nice weather

Text: Ólína Andrésdóttir - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir

Vor / Spring  

Text: Grímur Lárusson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir

Sjóferðabæn / Seafarers’ prayer 

Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster 

Kveðið við spuna /  Rhyming while spinning 

Text: Herdís Andrésdóttir - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir

Stökur förukonunar / Vagrant woman’s song 

Text: Hjálmar Þorsteinsson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir, Chris Foster & Andri Eyvindsson

Heilög  jól / Holy Christmas 

Text: Jón Steingrímsson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir

Gott ár oss gefi / Give us a good year

Text: Rev. Jón Þorsteinsson - Tune: Bára Grímsdóttir

Chris Foster and Bára Grímsdóttir Flúr Icelandic 2013 Icelandic folk album CD cover design

You can buy Flúr as a CD or as a Digital album or individual tracks at:

Vatnsdalur / Vatnsdalur - Funi - Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
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Sjóferðabæn / Seafarers prayer - Funi - Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
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Gott ár oss gefi / Give us a good year - Funi - Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
00:00 / 00:00

Produced by

Chris Foster and Bára Grímsdóttir


Recorded in Reykjavík, Iceland

Engineer: Andri Eyvindsson


Mastered by Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson


Photography by

Chris Foster and Pam Zappardino

Design by Inga Elsa Bergþórsdóttir

Funi GMCD002 - released 2004

Bára Grímsdóttir: vocal and kantele

Chris Foster vocal: guitar and bass guitar

John Kirkpatrick: Button accordion and concertina

Dave Wood : Icelandic fiddle

Track list

Morgunbæn / Morning prayer 

Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster 
Bar svo til í byggðum / Once upon a time 

Text: Guðbrandur Einarsson - Tune trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir, Chris Foster &

John Kirkpatrick
Veroníkukvæði / Veronica

Text: Þorvaldur Magnusson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster 
Konan blessuð / Blessed lady 

Text: anon. - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir
Mitt var starfið / My work 

Text: Theodóra Thoroddsen - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir

Úti í náttúrunni / Out in the countryside 

Text: Margrét Einarsdóttir - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir
Lilja / Lily

Text: Eysteinn Ásgrímsson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
Hættu að gráta / Stop crying young maid 

Text: Jónas Hallgrímsson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
Göngur / Autumn round up 

Text: Grímur H. Lárusson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir
Funi / Funi

Text: Pjeturína B. Jóhannsdóttir - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir, Chris Foster &

John Kirkpatrick  
Gefið þið mér í staupi strax / Give me a dram, without delay

Text: annon. - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster 

Harðar glímur / A hard fight 

Text: Grímur H. Lárusson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir
Að minni sálu amar / My soul is beset by woes 

Text: annon. - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
Sólin / The sun

Text: Magnea Halldórsdóttir - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir
Íslenskt vögguljóð / Icelandic lullaby

Text: Halldór K. Laxness - Tune trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir, Chris Foster &

John Kirkpatrick
Mína þá mundi´eg þenja vængi út / I would spread out my wings 

Text: - annon. - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir
Heimi er farið að halla / The world is waning 

Text: Sæmundur Magnússon - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir, Chris Foster &

John Kirkpatrick  
Nýjárssálmur / New Year's Hymn

Text: Hallgrímur Pétursson - Tune: trad. arr. Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster 

Chris Foster and Bára Grímsdóttir FUNI  2004 Icelandic folk album CD cover design

You can buy Funi as a CD or as a Digital album or individual tracks at:

Lilja / Lily - Funi - Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
00:00 / 00:00
Funi / Fire - Funi - Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
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Heimi er farið að halla - Funi - Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster
00:00 / 00:00

Produced by

Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster


Recorded at:

Broad Oak Studio,

Herefordshire, England

Engineer and mastering: Dave Wood


Booklet illustrated with old photographs from Bára's family archive

Design by Inga Elsa Bergþórsdóttir






Green Man Productions GMCD008


2008 OUTSIDERS                                

Green Man Productions GMCD003

runner up in the 2008 fROOTS magazine best CD poll of 300 critics and broadcasters.


2004 JEWELS                                                                            

Tradition Bearers  LTCD 1102


2002 LAYERS                                                                                  

Vivid VSCD-832

Japanese CD re-issue of the original Topic Records Vinyl album                 


2002 ALL THINGS IN COMMON                                                              

Vivid VSCD-837

Japanese CD re-issue of the original Topic Records Vinyl album                 


1999 TRACES                                                                       

Green Man Productions GMCD001


1994 STING IN THE TALE                                                       

Green Man Productions GMSL001



Topic 12TS391

with guest performances by Graham and Eileen Pratt


1977 LAYERS                                                                                                

Topic 12TS329

with guest performances by Nic Jones.

Best newcomer album of the year in the Guardian newspaper, UK




2013 FLÚR                                                                             

Green Man Productions GMCD007

Co-producer and arranger with Bára Grímsdóttir, langspil, guitar, hammered dulcimer and vocals



Arranger and Guitar accompaniments & vocals with Bára Grímsdóttir         


2010 MAN EG                                                              

Green Man Productions GMCD005/ep

co-producer and arranger with Bára Grímsdóttir arranger & Guitar, langspil and Íslensk fiðla


2004 FUNI                                                                          

Green Man Productions GMCD 002

Co-producer and arranger with Bára Grímsdóttir on her debut CD. Guitar accompaniments





Karen Ballew - Rise with the dawn

Contributed to the arrangement and played langspil, Íslensk fiðla and vocals on the song Oh blessed light, on the album by American singer / harpist Karen Ballew.



Jackie Oates

ECC Records ECC009

Contributed to arrangements, vocals and played langspil on several songs.


2011 FAGNÍÐ NÚ JÓLA FÖGRU NÁTT - Sálmar eftir Séra Jón Þorsteinsson

Green Man Productions GMCD006

As a member of the group Mandal with Bára Grímsdóttir, Helga Jónsdóttir and Arnór Hermansson - Co-producer and performer. Vocals, guitar and langspil.


2005 AND THEY ALL SANG ROSSELSONGS                                          

Fuse Records CFCD012

With Bára Grímsdóttir arranged and performed the song ‘Who Reaps the Profits? Who Pays the Price?’ to the CD of songs written by Leon Rosselson. Vocals, guitar and bass guitar       


2003 PLOTTERS                                                                        

Meersbrook Recordings MBCD02

Arranger and guitar accompaniments to a suite of 12 songs

by Sally Goldsmith on the theme of allotments and gardening                         


2001 AS WE WALKED OUT                                                     

Meersbrook Recordings MBCD01

Arranger and guitar accompaniments to a suite of 11 songs

by Sally Goldsmith with older ramblers in Yorkshire.



Wren Music    

Wild Goose WGS 292 CD

Traditional songs of Devon and Cornwall from the collection of Sabine Baring-Gould



Mick Strode                              

Duke Records DUKE 1002

Bass guitar



Leon Rosselson                                                                  

Fuse Records CFCD 005



Leon Rosselson                                                      

Fuse Records CFC 004


1981    NUCLEAR POWER NO THANKS                                                     

The Plane Label IMP 2

with Leon Rosselson, Roy Bailey, Frankie Armstrong, Martin Carthy,

John Kirkpatrick, Sandra Kerr, Alison McMorland and others


1977    FYLDE ACOUSTIC                                                                    

Trailer LER 2105

Green Man logo_hvitt small.jpg

© Chris Foster 2025

all rights reserved

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